I have been engaged in thorough research over the years. On this page, you can browse the books and articles that I have written.
My Doctorate thesis, “A New Interpretation of Sport derived from art-related aesthetics” as well as the following books below are available on Amazon:
“The Meaning of Art: A compilation of essays”
“Vladamir, art theory and the Ark”
“Essays and Meditations on the Kabbalah”
“Poems and Songs” (translated into 8 languages)
“The book before the book”
“My first year in Israel and other pontifications”
“A Patchwork of Colours” through Lambert Academic and Fictional Publishing (2018/2019)
“7 for 70: Insights on Devarim” (2020)
I also wrote a short novel under the pseudonym Ivorn Summing entitled “A Trip to the Palace” (published by Chipmunka publishers, UK, 2011), and a sequel “Meditations with and without medication” published with Lambert (2019).
“Fragments of mystical wisdom” by Gad Kaplan – 2007
“Treasure teachings on meditation” by Gad Kaplan – 2016
“The visual sense and the power of art” in GJRHCS – Global Journal of Research in Humanities & Cultural Studies Volume 01| Issue 01 | Sep-Oct | 2021: Volume-1: Issue-1; 2021.
HE DIALECTICAL OSCILATION BETWEEN AESTHETIC AND EXTRA-AESTHETIC MODALITIES: Reading art as two states Social Science learning Education Journal in the “Volume 07 Issue 09 [September 2022]
On the Interdisciplinary Nexus between Art and science in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, vol. 2, issue 4, 2022
The Potency of Art in Global Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-3, Iss-4 (Sept-Oct, 2021).
“Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (part II)” in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary research and studies, 2022, vol 2: issue 1.
“The Interdisciplinary nexus between art and science and the play of the aesthetics” in World Journal of Educational Research and Education, 2022 vol 13 (2), 617-625.
“Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (Part 3)” in Innovate Journal of Education, Volume 10, issue 22, 2022.
“is art as valuable to society as science?”, Volume-7, Issue-2 (February, 2022) in Journal Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology.
Artistic formalism in relation to sport and science: Towards the peaceful co-existence of differing “forms of life” published in the International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies.
Forging a New Paradigm: On the Structure of the Interdisciplinary and its application (part 4) in Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research, volume 3, number 1, 2022.
“Is art as valuable to society as science?” Volume-7, Issue-2 (February, 2022) in Journal Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology.
The Potency of Art in Global Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-3, Iss-4 (Sept-Oct, 2021).
“Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (part II)” in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary research and studies, 2022, vol 2: issue 1.
“The Interdisciplinary nexus between art and science and the play of the aesthetics” in World Journal of Educational Research and Education, 2022 vol 13 (2), 617-625.
“Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (Part 3)” in Innovate Journal of Education, Volume 10, issue 22, 2022.
“The visual sense and the power of art” in GJRHCS – Global Journal of Research in Humanities & Cultural Studies Volume 01| Issue 01 | Sep-Oct | 2021: Volume-1: Issue-1; 2021.
“Idealist theories of sport in relation to art” in the Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, Volume 10, 2018 – Issue 1.
“The institutional theory of art in relation to the Institution of sport” published in the Journal of Aesthetic Education, Summer 2019 Issue.
“The Philosophy of sport as artistic expression” published in the International Journal of English and Cultural Studies, Vol 1. No. 1, May 2018.
“Postmodernism in relation to sport” published in the online journal Sports Science – Insight, vol 1, issue 1, 2018.
“A New Paradigm relating art to sport” published in the Journal Advances in Physical Education, vol 9, nbr 1, 2019.
“Confluences between art and sport” published in Journal Advances in Physical Education.
“Artistic Mimesis in relation to sport” to be published in Budapest International Research and Critics Institute, vol 2, nbr 1. Feb. 2019.
“Artistic Formalism in relation to Sport” published in the International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 7, No 2 March 2019.
“The Institutionalized body aesthetic or ideology in Ancient Greek Sport” in Journal of Sports and Games, Vol 1, No 11 March 2019 and “Yves Klein and judo as a sport and an art”, Vol 1, No 11 March 2019.
Opinion article in Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine (Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019).
Opinion article in Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine (Volume 5, Issue 3, 2019).
“Nazism and sport: The dangers of art aesthetics” in the International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities (Volume 4, Issue 7, 2019).
“The argument from Intertwining” in American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Volume 5, 2019).
“Aesthetics, art and sport: Towards the Argument from Intertwining” in South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Volume 1, Issue 3 – Oct-Nov 2019).
“Judo as a work of art”, In Philosophy International Journal Vol 3:3, 2020.
“On the interdisciplinary nexus between art and sport, In Journal of Sports and Games Vol 2:12, 2020.
Beyond Marxism and Existentialism: A return to the ancients for deeper wisdom. To be published in EJ-THEOLOGY-European Journal of Theology and Philosophy
Games as Transformative. Published in International Journal of Current Research in Multidisciplinary (IJCRM) ISSN: 2456-0979 Vol. 7, No. 12, (December’22), pp. 01-05
Beyond modernism and postmodernism: a new philosophy for a new world. Volume 16 - Issue 3 (December 2022) of World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR).
Art is natural in The American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (THEAJHSSR).
On the beauty of Christian icon painting and its deception. GJRHCS: Volume-2: Issue-6; Nov.-Dec., 2022
Principles in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Soccer and Culture: Aesthetics for the Masses. Royal Journal of Social Sciences Research (RJSSR).
What is true art or good art in Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 3(4), 638-642.
Apollonian and Dionysian forces in art: A theory of art Sarcouncil Journal of Multidisciplinary.