Published Articles and Books

I have been engaged in thorough research over the years. On this page, you can browse the books and articles that I have written.

Books Published

My Doctorate thesis, “A New Interpretation of Sport derived from art-related aesthetics” as well as the following books below are available on Amazon:

  1. “The Meaning of Art: A compilation of essays”

  2. “Vladamir, art theory and the Ark”

  3. “Essays and Meditations on the Kabbalah”

  4. “Poems and Songs” (translated into 8 languages)

  5. “The book before the book”

  6. “My first year in Israel and other pontifications”

  7. “A Patchwork of Colours” through Lambert Academic and Fictional Publishing (2018/2019)

  8. “7 for 70: Insights on Devarim” (2020)

I also wrote a short novel under the pseudonym Ivorn Summing entitled “A Trip to the Palace” (published by Chipmunka publishers, UK, 2011), and a sequel “Meditations with and without medication” published with Lambert (2019).

I contributed illustrations for the books:

  1. “Fragments of mystical wisdom” by Gad Kaplan – 2007

  2. “Treasure teachings on meditation” by Gad Kaplan – 2016

You can find these books to be purchased below:

Journal Publications

  • “The visual sense and the power of art” in GJRHCS – Global Journal of Research in Humanities & Cultural Studies Volume 01| Issue 01 | Sep-Oct | 2021: Volume-1: Issue-1; 2021.

  • HE DIALECTICAL OSCILATION BETWEEN AESTHETIC AND EXTRA-AESTHETIC MODALITIES: Reading art as two states Social Science learning Education Journal in the “Volume 07 Issue 09 [September 2022]

  • On the Interdisciplinary Nexus between Art and science in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, vol. 2, issue 4, 2022

  • The Potency of Art in Global Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-3, Iss-4 (Sept-Oct, 2021).

  • “Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (part II)” in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary research and studies, 2022, vol 2: issue 1.

  • “The Interdisciplinary nexus between art and science and the play of the aesthetics” in World Journal of Educational Research and Education, 2022 vol 13 (2), 617-625.

  • “Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (Part 3)” in Innovate Journal of Education, Volume 10, issue 22, 2022.

  • “is art as valuable to society as science?”, Volume-7, Issue-2 (February, 2022) in Journal Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology.

  • Artistic formalism in relation to sport and science: Towards the peaceful co-existence of differing “forms of life” published in the International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies.

  • Forging a New Paradigm: On the Structure of the Interdisciplinary and its application (part 4) in Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research, volume 3, number 1, 2022.

  • THE FORMULAE FOR WRITING A GOOD SCIENTIFIC ACADEMIC ARTICLE in Novel Research in Science Nov Res Science 10(5).

  • “Is art as valuable to society as science?” Volume-7, Issue-2 (February, 2022) in Journal Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology.

  • The Potency of Art in Global Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-3, Iss-4 (Sept-Oct, 2021).

  • “Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (part II)” in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary research and studies, 2022, vol 2: issue 1.

  • “The Interdisciplinary nexus between art and science and the play of the aesthetics” in World Journal of Educational Research and Education, 2022 vol 13 (2), 617-625.

  • “Forging a New Paradigm: On the structure of the interdisciplinary and its application (Part 3)” in Innovate Journal of Education, Volume 10, issue 22, 2022.

  • “The visual sense and the power of art” in GJRHCS – Global Journal of Research in Humanities & Cultural Studies Volume 01| Issue 01 | Sep-Oct | 2021: Volume-1: Issue-1; 2021. 

  • “Idealist theories of sport in relation to art” in the Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, Volume 10, 2018 – Issue 1.

  • “The institutional theory of art in relation to the Institution of sport” published in the Journal of Aesthetic Education, Summer 2019 Issue.

  • “The Philosophy of sport as artistic expression” published in the International Journal of English and Cultural Studies, Vol 1. No. 1, May 2018.

  • “Postmodernism in relation to sport” published in the online journal Sports Science – Insight, vol 1, issue 1, 2018.

  • “A New Paradigm relating art to sport” published in the Journal Advances in Physical Education, vol 9, nbr 1, 2019.

  • “Confluences between art and sport” published in Journal Advances in Physical Education.

  • “Artistic Mimesis in relation to sport” to be published in Budapest International Research and Critics Institute, vol 2, nbr 1. Feb. 2019.

  • “Artistic Formalism in relation to Sport” published in the International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 7, No 2 March 2019.

  • “The Institutionalized body aesthetic or ideology in Ancient Greek Sport” in Journal of Sports and Games, Vol 1, No 11 March 2019 and “Yves Klein and judo as a sport and an art”, Vol 1, No 11 March 2019.

  • Opinion article in Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine (Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019).

  • Opinion article in Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine (Volume 5, Issue 3, 2019).

  • “Nazism and sport: The dangers of art aesthetics” in the International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities (Volume 4, Issue 7, 2019).

  • “The argument from Intertwining” in American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Volume 5, 2019).

  • “Aesthetics, art and sport: Towards the Argument from Intertwining” in South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Volume 1, Issue 3 – Oct-Nov 2019).

  • “Judo as a work of art”, In Philosophy International Journal Vol 3:3, 2020.

  • “On the interdisciplinary nexus between art and sport, In Journal of Sports and Games Vol 2:12, 2020.

  • Beyond Marxism and Existentialism: A return to the ancients for deeper wisdom. To be published in EJ-THEOLOGY-European Journal of Theology and Philosophy

  • Games as Transformative. Published in International Journal of Current Research in Multidisciplinary (IJCRM) ISSN: 2456-0979 Vol. 7, No. 12, (December’22), pp. 01-05

  • Beyond modernism and postmodernism: a new philosophy for a new world. Volume 16 - Issue 3 (December 2022) of World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR).

  • Art is natural in The American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (THEAJHSSR).

  • On the beauty of Christian icon painting and its deception. GJRHCS: Volume-2: Issue-6; Nov.-Dec., 2022

  • Principles in International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies 

  • Soccer and Culture: Aesthetics for the Masses. Royal Journal of Social Sciences Research (RJSSR).

  • What is true art or good art in  Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 3(4), 638-642.

  • Apollonian and Dionysian forces in art: A theory of art Sarcouncil Journal of Multidisciplinary.